My back is killing me. Sometimes it doesnt matter how many people you have to move a patient, especially when they have all their monitors and drips. Just trying to push a wieghted down ICU bed is a...
View ArticleThe Otis Effect
We had to cancel our study of the Otis effect early because the data reached such a statistical preponderance so early. We found the following things to be true. The elevator that is the farthest from...
View ArticleCoal in the Stocking
I really, really wish insurance deductibles ran on the fiscal year instead of the calendar year! It seems all too often people put off things until the holidays hoping to meet their deductible or just...
View ArticleComes with the Job
There are many jobs where you can avoid certain circumstances or push the hard part off onto someone else. Many days, I wish I had one of those jobs. Instead, I have to be the one who walks into the...
View ArticleThe TEMPLEt OF DOOM
I hate making people wait and I know they hate waiting for the doctor and no matter what we do we always run late. We have looked at every possible appointment template and no matter what it always...
View ArticleDE-access
We are six months into our wonderful electronic records system. It was touted to help increase our efficiency and to allow ease of patient care. The government even touted it as something that...
View ArticleBuffet patients
One of the issues that we have to constantly deal with are buffet patients. When a patient is referred to us it is for a particular reason. The referring doctor sends the related studies and labs and...
View ArticleBariatric toilets
I hate board meetings but every now and then there is something in one that makes you wonder. The medical center has been having two new problems. The first is that the toilets are only rated to 450...
View ArticleReverse Missionary Position
When we went to Guatemala in the past we would bring crates of medications because we couldn't get them there. Now, thanks to the FDA and CMS and Obamas war on "evil drug corporations" we have daily...
View ArticleAccess Denied
I hear the term "lack of access to medical" tossed around by government officials and other who are trying to define health care policy. This seems hard for me to comprehend seeing what I do in the...
View ArticleYour Government Check is in the Mail
I saw a recent interview from one of our congressman who was stressing how physicians are overpaid. I couldn't help but look at the Medicaid payscale. This is what the Federal Government pays doctors...
View ArticleCirclage
I had heard a medical tall tale of newborns who were given medical names their mothers had heard. The classic is FEMALEm(fee-mal-ee) because the baby had already been named. There is also a little...
View ArticleMeaningful misuse
We just got informed of all the things that we have to do to satisfy the ObamaCare "meaningful use" electronic records mandate. At every patient visit we must determine the patients body mass index...
View ArticleScab Eaters
We have just been overrun by scab eaters. We already had quite a few but the number seems to just have exploded. For those who aren't in the hand sanitized trenches, meth heads get the pops which are...
View Article8 Ball to the side pocket
Boy we are seeing a lot more IV drug abuse lately in addition to the meth. When the IV drug users are having a hard time finding a vein, they start shooting into their neck right in the little pocket...
View ArticleKwaulity with a K
This EMR stuff is driving me nuts. Now we have to have all these quality measures that are mandated by the government. All of these require more work that has nothing to do with why the patient is...
View ArticleRolling the Deductable Dice
We are being over run by patients who were advised to have an elective procedure who were waiting to see if they were going to meet their deductibles. (rolling the dice) Now they are finding out that...
View ArticleDelta for the Worse
The year is almost over and Boy has it been a year for big changes in our practice of medicine. We saw a huge decline in elective surgical and diagnostic procedures only to see a huge increase in the...
View ArticleDont Ask!
Lately it seems that every patient hints that they need some pain medication even when they are been seen for something that does not cause pain. Sometimes they get quite belligerent when their hint...
View ArticleDrano
Somethings are a pain, sometimes for the patient, sometimes for the doctor, sometimes for both. I go up to round and as usual the nurse and assistant are no where to be found. I check the chart and...
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